Welcome To Maryam’s Online 1:1 Coaching

The groundwork for all happiness is good health

Helping women build muscle and ditch diet culture bullsh*t.

ditch diet culture bullsh*t

1:1 online coaching

ditch diet culture bullsh*t 1:1 online coaching


Training program for women looking to build muscle, get strong, and embrace their bodies.

Ongoing Education

Weekly check-ins and daily form feedback all within reach of your back pocket. Access through an app to unlock a library of training videos explaining why and how we do things.

24/7 SUPPORT Access

Feeling stuck? Overwhelmed? Video, audio, or text messaging access available 24/7.

Does this sound familiar?

You want to see changes in your body but lately you…

Despite your efforts, you don't see the muscle definition you desire, and shopping for clothes remains a miserable experience.

You've tried countless fitness guru workouts and followed endless YouTube routines, yet you're still struggling.

Feel like training /working out is becoming a part-time job and STILL not seeing the progress you want.

You understand the importance of high-protein foods, but those sweet treats and "bad" foods keep tempting you.

Even though you meal prep and hit the gym, you end each day feeling drained and lacking energy.

Whether you’re new to the gym or have been at it for years, my online 1:1 coaching will provide you with step-by-step guidance based on your experience and current lifestyle (with 24/7 support access along the way).

You’ll no longer go through the motions but be educated on the why and how behind it all.

You’ll walk away with clarity and no longer second guess if what you’re doing is getting you to where you need to be

WHAT’S Included:

  • Personalized 1:1 Coaching: Think of it like a fitness expert by your side, dedicated to your unique journey. With 1:1 coaching, customized workout plans are crafted for you, ensuring every exercise is optimized for your goals and activity level. I'll guide you through each movement, perfect your form, and provide continuous support to ensure you get stronger and see those muscles pop within weeks!

  • Biweekly Coaching Calls: Every two weeks, we’ll connect for a one-on-one call. These sessions keep you on track, address any challenges, and create a clear game plan for the upcoming weeks. Whether facing obstacles or celebrating victories, these calls ensure you always move forward with confidence and clarity.

  • Round-the-Clock Support: Never feel alone on your fitness journey. In addition to coaching calls, you have 24/7 access to messaging, audio, and video support. You can reach out anytime with questions or concerns. Think of it as having a personal trainer in your pocket, ready to provide instant advice, motivation, and answers whenever needed.

Hey, I’m Maryam!

B.S., CPT, PN1, Pre-Script

Hey, I’m Maryam! Fitness is my passion, but so is living life to the fullest without sacrificing the things I love. I've been where you are, struggling to find balance and seeing little progress despite my efforts. But I found a way to build strength, achieve my goals, and enjoy life without restrictions. Now, I'm here to help you do the same.

Here to help you break free

Your fitness & nutrition coach

While I may not be able to promise you’re going lose 20lbs in 2 days ☠️

What I can promise you is that you’ll walk away never feeling confused, doubtful, or shameful about yourself. It’s the same type of coaching I follow myself and understand the journey better than most. 

Coaching other women to break free of societal pressures and watch them become beautiful, muscular, and confident is one of my favorite things in the world.

ditch diet culture bullsh*t

1:1 online coaching

ditch diet culture bullsh*t 1:1 online coaching

Client Sucesses


  • Spend less time working out while achieving better results than ever before 

  • Master meal prep without spending hours in the kitchen or breaking the bank

  • Feel like strong, fit, and self-assured bad*ss every time you get dressed.

  • Radiate confidence and attract compliments on your mind-blowing progress


One thing that is guaranteed is everything is personalized to you

  1. I meet where you’re at (THIS HAPPENS BEFORE YOU SIGN UP) by understanding where you’re struggling and what will guarantee success

  2. Dive deep into your day-to-day life and how it affects you such as diet, motivation, injuries, periods, cravings, and everything in between 

  3. All this information will then help me create your training program which can be dependent on your technique testing (understanding your current training level and providing feedback to get you started on the right track). From there build up your training.


Instead of telling clients what to do, I teach them the how. They stick to it long-term (after working with me) because they understand and gain the long-term tools so they never need a coach again

We prioritize your mental well-being while your body changes so your dream goals align with your dream mind. Things such as binging, sleep, stress management, mood, energy, etc! We stack habits instead of making you go from 0 to 100 overnight. They no longer have issues with consistency or motivation. Plus they learn never how to make them a problem again.

ditch diet culture bullsh*t

1:1 online coaching

ditch diet culture bullsh*t 1:1 online coaching

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